Open Letter to Present and Future Customers - Corona-virus Melbourne restrictions

Open Letter to Present and Future Customers - Corona-virus Melbourne restrictions

Posted By: Asher Times Read: 8155 Comments: 0

1 November 2021

We were grateful that we ae able to open our showroom to the public once again. Thanks for everyone including our staff who have been double vaccinated. As it is only a small space we request the customers please call ahead to book a time to come and remind customers that facemask are mandatory indoors as well as the QR code check-in with vaccine status. 

We Thank all our customers for your continued support.

Fitting Furniture Team

Snap 2 week lockdown number 5

28 July 2021

We were grateful that we were able to continue manufacturing during the lockdown these past 2 weeks. However we did have to close our retail showroom in line with the restrictions imposed on the Victorian retail sector. We are pleased that we can advise now that our retail showroom in our factory in Braeside is now open again subject to the density rules. 

As always, wishing all our current and future customers the best of health, and thank all our customers for your continued support.

Fitting Furniture Team

Circuit Breaker Restrictions 2 Update - June 2021

With the ongoing Covid-19 saga we were subjected to the current Lockdown we find ourselves in now. As such we have been required to closed our retail showroom. We are thankful that we are able to continue for the time being our manufacturing operations and we are doing our best to keep to our work schedule. Its not easy due to family pressures on our staff from home schooling etc.

We hope things will get back to normal soon and we can re- open our retail showroom. 

Wishing all our current and future customers the best of health!

Fitting Furniture Team

2 - October - 2020 Update

We were grateful to be able to reopen this week with the easing of restrictions and Metropolitan Melbourne moving to step 2 of the Government reopening schedule. We are working to get orders now ready as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our manufacturing time has increased during the last 8 weeks while we were closed. New orders are now being scheduled for production in the new year.

On our product pages we display an estimated manufacturing a ready date, so new customers can get a idea when your order would be ready before you place your order. For existing customers who are waiting for their order to be made, please log into your online account and look under order history to see the current estimated ready date for your order.

Our factory showroom will reopen once retail is permitted in step 3 of the reopening schedule.

We thank all our customers for your business and patience!

Fitting Furniture Team

7 - September - 2020  - Update

As everyone would be aware, the State government has made a 2 week extension to stage 4 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne as part of the "Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening".  Under this new restrictions scheme we will only be allowed to reopen at the second step which will begin on 28/9/20 provided the conditions the government has specified are met. As result we will have to adjust our work schedule for current orders and this will mean that order ready dates will  be pushed back by approx 2-3 weeks based on the new schedule. We apologise for the inconvenience, (again) and will work to get you order ready as soon as possible when we are allowed to return to work.

Stay Safe,

The Fitting Furniture Team.

6 - August - 2020

Re: Stage 4 Melbourne COVID-19 Business Restrictions 

Dear Valued Customer,

The State Government of Victoria and Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that as from Wednesday 5th August 2020 at 11.59pm non-essential businesses are required to be closed and all staff to work from home. As most of our work is home furniture production, unfortunately our factory falls into the category of compulsory closure. Please be assured we are continuing to work on all administrative matters during this time. If you need to contact us, please forward all enquiries via email. You are welcome to call us, and if we are not able to answer the call, please leave a message on our office number (1300 835 841) and we will return your call. We are also still taking online orders for spare parts and some products that we have in stock.

To our current customers: 

Due to the factory closure we won't be able to make your order as originally scheduled at the time of your order, as we will be closed for the next 6 weeks. We will be sending out an update email and also updating our customer area on our website in the next week or so with an approximate ready date based on current orders scheduled and in progress, with the closed dates taken into account. We expect it to be reasonably accurate give or take a week or so, but it is assuming the restrictions are not extended any further than the 6 weeks that started on Sunday 2/8/20.

To our future customers: 

Unfortunately  there is a unusually long wait time for new orders. As we already had a long manufacturing time before the start of the stage 4 restrictions (approx 8 weeks) we now have to add 5 and half weeks to our manufacturing times. On our product pages we list the calculated ready date based on the current order schedule for existing orders in our schedule and the time to make the product you are considering ordering. If you can find a equivalent product to ours made in another state, then we are happy that you can fulfil your need, but we hope that you won't switch to a imported product because of the current long wait time. 

We take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience, and business. We also want to let every one know that we will be back soon then get back to the business of making our genuine Australian made furniture.

We are all are praying that this virus can be eradicated soon, if everyone follows the rules!

Stay safe and healthy,

The Fitting Furniture Team

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